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Dynamic Visual Supports for Emotional Regulation

Ulliana and Jackson ( define visual supports as 'anything that you see that helps you to do the things you need to do'. The following is an example of a 'dynamic visual support' to help support emotional regulation for your child during the task of having their nails cut. This visual support, and others based on the same principles, DO NOT REPLACE, but work in partnership with, other strategies, such as:

  • Sensory preparation/ calming

  • Minimising the sensory input to which child is sensitive

  • Environmental supports

  • Social-emotional supports

  • Consistent routines


Nail Cutting Support - click "P"



Benefits of using Dynamic Visual Supports for Emotional Regulation:

  • Promote Shared Understanding of language and other visual supports  (ie. The listeners understanding is the same as the speakers)

  • Develop and enhance trust

  • Increase Predictability, especially regarding what will happen, for how long, and what comes next

  • Highlights salient features

  • Promote “top down” emotional regulation by engaging the pre-frontal cortex

  • Intrinsic motivation: through increased understanding, feelings of power and control and predictability

  • Extrinsic motivation: through use of additional animations or “bells and whistles”



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